Originally published in Medium on 3/29/2024.
Do I pick the red or blue pill?
Such a simple decision triggered an alternate path in the Matrix. (However, if you are more of a fan of Marvel or DC, then just think about alternate universes or flashpoints).
The fact is that we have tradeoffs in life. Some are more intricate than others. There is a constant conflict between prioritizing system design and prioritizing customer design.
Each option has advantages and disadvantages, as well as passionate supporters.
Depending on their area of expertise, those responsible for outcomes lean towards one of the two approaches. Even more, a business release includes many stakeholders which influence the results towards one approach over another one. After all, business is a complex ecosystem.
However, we must remember that our customer is the ultimate impartial judge of any release effort.
System-centric design
By defining system-centric design as designing based on existing technical limitations and features, we establish a solid foundation for its benefits and challenges.
- Out of the box capabilities are well known. Therefore, you could expect a reduced amount of bugs or additional development time needed for implementing minor changes within the boundaries of the system.
- Incremental speed improvements happen as developers become more specialized and code within the system’s limits.
- Better timeline understanding of changes needed, reducing possible costs, while increasing certainty of release dates.
- The system’s limitations restrict the experience, conforming to its original design. It enables the inclusion of unnecessary features as a workaround for limited flexibility.
- The Designers need to be system experts and should design based on system capabilities, which will lead to minor improvements in user experiences.
- We won’t identify substantial gaps between the system and customer needs.
Customer-centric design
We will define customer-centric design as designing an application or customer needs based solely on customers’ expectations, disregarding the limitations of an existing platform. As per our previous definition, we also have benefits and challenges.
- It focuses solely on the needs of the customer, which ensures a great customer experience.
- The possibilities for designing an experience are limitless because it isn’t bound by the current system. This poses a challenge, as choices can swiftly impact timelines and escalate costs because of additional development needs.
- Designers may be hindered by having excessive decision freedom, as it can lead to stagnation. Designers may shift their focus from releases to research, resulting in ineffective attempts to achieve the impossible and extended timelines.
- It allows to discover substantial gaps in the system’s capabilities.
So, which one is “the one”?
We find the balance by integrating both methods.
The best designed experience, or product, never launched will never perform. This will impact negatively the company’s bottom line.
On the other hand, the fastest product launched disregarding experience may generate some initial revenue. However, it will create a reputation from where the company may never recover.
Designing with a customer-centric approach first, which later applies the current system framework and limitations, will help you discover the critical gaps for the customer experience you are looking for.
By adopting this approach, you can develop a shared vision among all stakeholders. Then, once limitations are imposed, you will be able to define priorities, and identify key elements that are essential for the experience and will require additional work or even new systems to be integrated.
The end result will be a better integrated customer experience that provides a roadmap for ongoing improvements, or major transformations, owned by the technical team and backed by explicit business cases supported by all parties.
Therefore, next time you design, think first about whether you started designing as system-centric or customer-centric, then adjust as needed. Your customers and stakeholders will really appreciate it.